Queen of Tarot

The ancient wisdom of the cards

Four of Books Tarot Card Meaning and Art Books and Beer Playing Cards


Four of Books

About the Deck

Books and Beer Playing Cards

Accompanied by morals in Latin and German, this deck features the whimsical suits of Books, Ink Stamps, Beer Glasses, and Wine Jugs.


Jost Amman. Germany, 1588.


books-4, four-of-swords, four, books

According to Many Schools of Thought

Papus's Divinatory Meanings

Enemy defeated.

A. E. Waite's Secondary Meanings


A bad card, but if reversed a qualified success may be expected by wise administration of affairs.


A certain success following wise administration.

S. L. MacGregor Mathers's Divinatory Meanings


Solitude, Retreat, Abandonment, Solitary, Hermit


Economy, Precaution, Regulation of Expenditure.

Mme. Le Marchand's Divinatory Meanings

there is among your circle of acquaintances some one who wishes to be united to you in marriage; consent, and you will not repent it.