Queen of Tarot

The ancient wisdom of the cards

Tarot Reading Does Stuart love me and will he and I have a strong and long lasting, faithful, happy, loving monogamous relationship together?

Reading Performed 10/14/2023 at 11:00 PM

Click or scroll down for the meaning of each position and the interpretation of its card.


The querent is the card that this user felt represented them or their situation best.

The Star

Card Meaning When Upright

Loss, theft, deprivation, abandonment.

Card Description

A large, radiant star of eight points, surrounded by seven lesser stars—also of eight points. The female figure in the foreground is entirely naked. Her left knee is on the land and her right foot on the water. She pours the Water of Life from two great pitchers, irrigating sea and land. Behind her is rising ground, and on the right a shrub on which a bird perches. The figure expresses eternal youth and beauty. The star is l'etoile flamboyante, a symbol of Freemasonry. The figure communicates to the earth around her the substance of the heavens and the elements.

Visual Layout

The Meanings of these Tarot Cards

This Covers You

This card gives the influence which is affecting the person or matter of inquiry generally, the atmosphere of it in which the other currents work.

Two of Wands from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

This card has contradictory meanings: on the one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence; on the other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification. The design gives a suggestion to resolve the contradiction; here is a lord overlooking his dominion while contemplating a globe. He resembles the sadness and mortification of Alexander, amid the grandeur of this world's wealth.

Card Description

A tall man looks from a roof with battlements, overlooking sea and shore. He holds a globe in his right hand, and a staff in his left hand rests on the battlement. Another staff is fixed in a ring. The Rose and Cross and Lily appears on the left side.

This Crosses You

It shows the nature of the obstacles in the matter. If it is a favourable card, the opposing forces will not be serious, or it may indicate that something good in itself will not be productive of good in the particular connexion.

Four of Wands from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Country life, safe haven, domestic harvest; home, rest, tranquility, harmony, prosperity, peace, and the perfection of these.

Card Description

From four staves planted in the foreground, a great garland hangs. Two female figures hold up bouquets. To one side is a bridge over a moat, leading to an old mansion.

This Crowns You

It represents (a) the Querent €™s aim or ideal in the matter; (b) the best that can be achieved under the circumstances, but that which has not yet been made actual.

Seven of Cups from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Fairy favors, images of reflection, tenderness, imagination, scrying; moderate success, but nothing permanent or substantial.

Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings

Pain Slight illness. Recovery from illness. Health.

Card Description

Cups holding strange visions are presented to a figure in the foreground, as if offering a choice.

This is Beneath You

It shows the foundation or basis of the matter, that which has already passed into actuality and which the Significator has made his own.

Knight of Cups from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Arrival, approach—sometimes that of a messenger; advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, temptation.

Card Description

A graceful but not warlike figure rides quietly. He wears a winged helmet to symbolize the imagination. He is a dreamer, and the images of sensory things haunt him in his vision.

This is Behind You

It gives the influence that is just passed, or is now passing away.

The Heirophant from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude; also mercy and goodness; inspiration; the man to whom the Querent has recourse.

Card Description

He wears the triple crown and is seated between two pillars, but not those of the Temple guarded by the High Priestess. In his left hand he holds a scepter ending with the triple cross. With his right hand he gives the well-known ecclesiastical sign of esotericism, distinguishing between the surface and concealed parts of doctrine. At his feet are the crossed keys, and two priestly ministers in albs (priestly robes) kneel before him. He is the ruling power of external religion, as the High Priestess is the prevailing force of the esoteric power.

This is Before You

It shows the influence that is coming into action and will operate in the near future.

Two of Swords from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Conformity and the equilibrium it suggests, courage, friendship, peace in a state of arms; to some extent, harmony: however, swords do not generally symbolize benevolent forces in human affairs.

Card Description

A blindfolded woman balances two swords upon her shoulders.

Your Self

Signifies the person or thing about which the question has been asked, and shows its position or attitude in the circumstances.

Four of Pentacles from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Security of possessions, keeping what one has, gifts, legacy, inheritance.

Card Description

A crowned figure with a pentacle over his head clasps another pentacle with his hands and arms. Two pentacles lie beneath his feet. He holds on to what he has.

Your House

Your environment and the tendencies at work therein which have an effect on the matter €”for instance, your position in life, the influence of immediate friends, and so forth.

King of Cups from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Man of fair appearance; man of business, law, or divinity; responsible man, amenable to helping the Querent; also fairness, art and science, including those who profess science, law and art; creative intelligence.

Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings

Reunion. Prosperity. Fidelity. Endurance.

Card Description

He holds a short scepter in his left hand and a cup in his right. His throne is set upon the sea. On one side a ship sails, and on the other a fish leaps.

Your Hopes and Fears

Knight of Pentacles from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Utility, usability, interest, responsibility, decency—all on the surface.

Card Description

A knight rides a slow, heavy horse, similar in appearance to himself. He displays his symbol, but does not look at it.

The Final Result

The culmination which is brought about by the influences shewn by the other cards that have been turned up in the divination.

Knight of Wands from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Departure, absence, fleeing, emigration; a dark, friendly young man; change of residence.

Card Description

A knight rides on a journey, armed with a short wand. Although wearing armor, he is not on a warlike errand. He passes pyramids on the horizon. The rearing of the horse is a hint at the character of its rider, and suggests an expectant mood or things connected with expectation.

Details of this Tarot Reading

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